Monday, January 7, 2008

Photo Tip for Today

Pick what in the photo you'd like to be sharpest.

The default mode for most digital cameras that offer selective focus points is usually either the center focus point or all focus points.

I turn off both of these options and select one single focus point, so I can be sure that where I put my focus point in my photo will be sharp.

My camera offers 5 focus points across the middle of the frame, plus one centered above and below the middle. The one I use is determined by the composition of my image.

These photos were shot from the same place, on auto focus and the same exposure (1/20 of second, f2.8). The only difference is where I set my focus censor.

1 comment:

Holly said...

my camera has 5 focus points, one in the middle, and one at north, one at south, one at east and one at west. I can set the focus to any one of them, but don't know if I can set the focus to none, will have to look!